Friday, February 17, 2017 by News Editors
While the present news cycle is focusing on the forced resignation of Michael Flynn, as well as the reasons behind it, with “America’s spies” illegally divulging confidential information to the press, if we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we see how America became a police state right under our noses, just as Independent Media has long warned, but were mocked and called “conspiracy theorists.”
(Article by Susan Duclos from Allnewspipeline.com)
Only now, every American has just been exposed to the truth of the “shadow government,” the “deep state,” whether referred to as the NWO, the Illuminati, whatever one chooses to label them… they exist, they are real, and they are attempting to take down America right now because Americans elected a man that is not controlled by them.
The Shadow Government” is described by Wikipedia as ” a family of conspiracy theories based on the notion that real and actual political power resides not with publicly elected representatives (for example, the United States Congress) but with private individuals who are exercising power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of democratic institutions. According to this belief, the official elected government is in reality subservient to the shadow government who are the true executive power.”
Deep State redirects to State Within a State and is described as “a political situation in a country when an internal organ (“deep state”), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, administrative agencies and branches of governmental bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership. Although the state within the state can be conspiratorial in nature, the Deep State can also take the form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests (e.g. job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency) and in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting and subverting the policies and directives of elected officials.”
I cannot count the number of times that we, and other Independent Media sites have been trolled and mocked when mentioning the “deep state” or called a “conspiracy theorist” when reporting that the “shadow government” has been controlling the U.S. for decades upon decades.
Even liberal writers with nothing but disdain for both President Trump and Michael Flynn, are now reporting that “the deep state” targeted “a man working in one of the political branches of the government by dishing to reporters about information it has gathered clandestinely,” while at the same time taking Democrats and liberals cheering the “political assassination” perpetrated by America’s spies, to task by writing “Those cheering the deep state torpedoing of Flynn are saying, in effect, that a police state is perfectly fine so long as it helps to bring down Trump.”
Eli Lake reports the following at Bloomberg:
Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.
In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports). John Bolton’s nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush’s first term. The fact that the intercepts of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.
The Deep State used classified information, with the full complicity of the MSM, specifically Washington Post and the New York Times, in order to declare all out war against President Trump, using information disseminated illegally, to carry our what is being dubbed as a “soft coup.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said on Tuesday that those who leaked the contents of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s phone calls “belong in jail.”
That was not hyperbole, as 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information, clearly states that those that “knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information,” – “Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”
Nunes expands on the illegal nature of what America just witnessed, reported by Breitbart:
The chairman said there are only two ways that intelligence agencies can listen in on an American’s phone call — after obtaining a warrant, or inadvertently, such as in the case of Flynn speaking with a foreign official being spied on, which the report suggests was the case.
Nunes said “it’s pretty clear” that there was no warrant.
“It’s pretty clear that’s not the case,” he said. “I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn … To listen to an American’s phone call you would have to go to a court, there’d be all that paperwork there. So I’m guessing that doesn’t exist.”
In case Flynn was speaking to a foreign official — Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in this case — Nunes said there should have been a process to mask Flynn’s identity.
“Unless it’s a high-level national security issue, and then someone would have to unmask the name, someone at the highest levels, they’d have to unmask that name,” Nunes said. “It’s a very high threshold to unmask an American citizen’s name, that’s a very high threshold, almost unprecedented. And if you were going to unmask it, it seems like you would immediately go get a warrant.”
“If they did that, how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” he added. “Whoever did it, it’s illegal.”
The Daily Mail reports that Trump is not taking this lying down and is launching “all-out war on his own intelligence agencies as he says malicious NSA and FBI leakers are ‘illegally’ giving out classified information to reporters ‘like candy’.”
As well he should.
President Trump has spend his first weeks attempting to keep his campaign promises and to fulfill his Contract with the American Voter, so his supporters already understand he meant what he said and he said what he meant, but right now, in the interest of national security, as one of those supporters, I respectfully suggest President Trump redirect his focus, back burner the rest of those campaign promises just long enough to “clean house.”
As we note from a Fox News report, cleaning house would not necessarily mean removing all members of the relevant departments, as the information in question was “highly restricted” as former NSA analyst Bill Binney asserts that “less than 100 [people would have access to the intelligence].”
“I think it is compartmentalized, meaning a small circle, less than 100 [people would have access to the intelligence],” Binney said. “They are supposed to minimize the American side. … All presumed U.S. citizens have rights under the Fourth Amendment.”
Nunes said the timing may be significant because the authorization to unmask Flynn was likely taken under the Obama administration, as the phone calls occurred in December. The committee chairman said the issue goes beyond politics because it is also undermining the relationship between a president and world leaders.
Not only did they overplay their hand and expose the truth of the Shadow Government and Deep State to every American and the world, vindicating everyone that warned the country of their existence, but the information they chose to reveal also considerably narrows down the search for who is behind the leak, and who is part of the Deep State, and they can follow the money to find out who is behind this shadow government, pulling the strings.
While the Flynn issue exposed them , as well as showing they violated the 18 U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information law, the leaked phone calls between President Donald Trump and the leaders of Australia and Mexico shows they did not just spy on an American citizen with Flynn, but are actively spying on the President of the United States, presently.
That ladies and gentlemen, is treason.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Read more at: Allnewspipeline.com
Tagged Under: Tags: conspiracy, Donald Trump, Flynn, government