Tuesday, May 09, 2017 by Mike Adams
President Trump has rediscovered his backbone and fired FBI head James Comey, a corrupt, lawless bureaucrat who deliberately allowed Democrats guilty of “high crimes” to get away scot-free. “In a move that surprised many and likely sent shock waves throughout the Deep State, President Donald J. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday,” reports NewsTarget.com. “Trump was moved to act after Comey misled the subcommittee regarding close Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s emails to her now-estranged husband, former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner.”
James Comey is infamous for abandoning the rule of law in America, allowing Hillary Clinton to get away with an astonishing array of treacherous crimes by invoking the ludicrous excuse that she didn’t “intend” to violate the law. As Comey has long known, intent is not required for federal prosecutors to bring charges against those who violate federal law. Mere violation of the law is sufficient. Whether or not a person “intended” to violate the law is irrelevant in all the other cases investigated by the FBI that don’t happen to involve a Clinton family member.
As I wrote in July of 2016:
[Comey’s refusal to indict Clinton] was based on special consideration that applies only to politically connected power brokers like Hillary Clinton. Many other individuals are currently in prison for carrying out similar acts. Unlike Clinton, they were prosecuted for violating national security laws. But Clinton, as part of America’s political elite, is evidently immune from all prosecution.
Even further, I explained how Comey’s reckless actions accelerated America’s decline into a lawless tyranny ruled by the politically connected elite:
What this decision by James Comey and the FBI really means is that America is no longer a nation of law. Instead, it is a wholly corrupt political regime where even the top investigation officials selectively apply or ignore the law, depending on the political leanings of their intended targets. Those individuals who violate the law but are part of the protected elite are granted immunity from prosecution. On the other hand, those individuals who oppose the political elite are selectively targeted for extreme prosecution, often based on far flimsier evidence than what was gathered from Clinton’s private email server (see the prosecution of General Petraeus as an example).
Effectively, James Comey’s announcement is a declaration that the government can no longer police itself. Every branch of government will now cover up and protect every other branch of government, no matter how corrupt or illegal the actions.
The firing of James Comey is starting to restore my faith in the idea that Donald Trump still has a backbone for standing up against corruption. Firing Comey was a necessary (and long overdue) first step… now it’s time to INDICT him for the corruption he has clearly committed.
Even better, why stop at Comey? Loretta Lynch was also clearly involved in deep criminal corruption, and Hillary Clinton herself is arguably the most corrupt candidate to ever attempt to win the presidency in America. In the view of many Americans, it’s time to investigate and indict them all as a crucial first step toward restoring the rule of law in America and reinvigorating faith in the integrity of the White House.
Under James Comey, the FBI became a corrupt, complacent and sometimes complicit bureaucracy saturated with the nauseating stench of high level crooks pretending to be “officials.” Attorney General Sessions was right to request that Comey be fired, and President Trump was 100% correct to follow through and give Comey his marching orders.
Let’s all hope the Trump administration continues this effort to drain the swamp by firing many other corrupt, dishonest operators throughout the federal bureaucracy.
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Tagged Under: Tags: corruption, FBI, investigation, James Comey, Trump