Monday, July 17, 2017 by JD Heyes
A longtime Republican Party activist whose last endeavor was searching for those 33,000 “missing” emails from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as President Obama’s secretary of state died recently under what police have described as “unusual” circumstances, becoming only the latest person to be added to the infamous “Clinton body count.”
Chicagoan Peter W. Smith, 81, a major Republican donor, was found dead in a hotel room in Rochester, Minn., May 14. The Chicago Tribune and other media have reported that Smith’s death is being listed as a suicide.
The paper noted that police found “a carefully prepared file of documents” including what they called “a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and a life insurance policy was expiring.”
Just days before his death, however, he gave an extensive interview to The Wall Street Journal, the details of which were not published until late June, the Tribune noted. The reports documented Smith’s effort to find the emails.
Smith was found with a bag over his head that was also connected to a source of helium. What’s more, the note police found apologized to authorities and claimed, “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved. Fox News reported further:
His death, which a police chief called “unusual,” had been recorded as “asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in a confined space with helium.” Smith was found with a bag over his head and a helium source attached.
Smith becomes the latest person involved in some way with either Bill or Hillary Clinton — or both — who has wound up dead, and under “unusual” circumstances. Here are some of the most mysterious of those deaths:
— Shawn Lucas: Described as a lead attorney in a fraud case involving the Democratic National Committee, MSN noted that he was featured in a video that went viral as he served the organization and its then-chief Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schulz, D-Fla., with a lawsuit for campaign fraud in July 2016, on behalf of supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders. Shortly thereafter, on August 2, he was found dead on his bathroom floor when his girlfriend returned home in the evening. To date, the murder remains a mystery.
— Seth Rich: Gunned down in the early morning hours as he walked home from a bar in the nation’s capitol, Rich — a former DNC staffer — was not the victim of a robbery gone awry, as the DC Metro Police have said, according to an independent analysis of the evidence. Legendary hacker Kim Dotcom has said Rich gave Wikileaks the incriminating emails and documents the site summarily leaked during the last election cycle, rather than Russian hackers. A December 2016 report claimed Rich gave the information to someone in Washington, D.C., because he was disgusted by the way the DNC was sabotaging Sanders’ campaign in favor of Clinton. (Related: Bombshell: Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked ‘thousands of emails’ to WikiLeaks.)
— John Ashe: This former U.N. official — president of the U.N. General Assembly, in fact — was set to testify against Hillary Clinton in a corruption case, when he was found dead with a crushed throat. Initially reports claimed that Ashe had a heart attack, but The New York Post disputed that, saying local police said he died after a barbell fell on his throat while pumping iron. He was set to appear in court on tax fraud charges with a Chinese businessman co-defendant, Ng Lap Seng. Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report “as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee” when Bill Clinton was in office. The Post’s Richard Johnson noted that a source told him, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”
— Victor Thorn: Having written four books exposing the Clintons, he was found dead by “self-inflicted” gunshot with his own gun on the top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home last year. As reported by Inquisitr, Thorn told talk show host Russell Scott, “Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Clinton body count, conspiracy, Hillary Clinton, murder victims, suicided, Victims