02/10/2025 / By S.D. Wells
The Democrats were so proud of Obama when he won the Presidency. Finally, a black man at the top of the heap, running the show. Go equal rights and civil liberties. Little did they, or anyone else realize at the time, he was a communist infiltrator, an insurgent, a socialist, a dictator who would open up the U.S. borders, fund terrorism, strip Americans of their constitutional rights, and wreck the nuclear family with twisted communist ideologies through the social media brainwashing of children, teens, and young adults.
Directly from an Obama speech embedded below, the great orator (con artist) claimed all illegal immigrants trying to gain U.S. citizenship would have to deal with rules and regulations:
“You are going to pay a significant fine. You are going to learn English. You’re going to go to the back of the line, so that you don’t get ahead of somebody that’s in Mexico City applying legally (big applauds from the brainwashed masses here). But, after you’ve done these things over a certain period of time, you can earn your citizenship. So that it’s not something that is guaranteed or automatic… you’ve got to earn it, but over time, you give people an opportunity. Now, it only works if you do all the pieces. I think the American people appreciate and believe in immigration, but you can’t have a situation where half-a-million people are just POURING IN over the border, without any kind of mechanism to control it.”
So no free rides, Obama preached. The Democrats all applauded. They didn’t call him a racist or xenophobic. They didn’t say he hated all immigrants. They did not call him a dictator. How dare he tell people they have to learn English to be citizens. Isn’t that culturally biased? And why did Obama say illegal immigrants would have to pay a significant fine? Over the past four years, the O’Biden Regime did exactly the opposite, handing out visas loaded with thousands of dollars for all illegal immigrants, so they could settle in and pay for their travel, food and lodging.
Obama had plans to be the stand-in U.S. President for 16 years, as a puppet master for his Muppets Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Open borders was always the plan. It’s the Communist way, funded by the insidious multi-billionaire George Soros. Obama was the greatest liar the U.S. Presidency has ever known. He was calm, cool, and collected. He wasn’t senile, and he didn’t need his husband Michael to guide him off stage after a speech.
The Obama plan was always the same from the beginning – to flood America with illegal immigrants, give them lots of free stuff, and that way they would always vote for more free stuff and instant amnesty, adding tens of millions of new Democrat voters to their base. That’s why Democrats fuel Big Government also, so that lazy mouse-jiggling virtual workers will vote to keep their six-figure cushy jobs they didn’t even show up for the past four years.
It’s all coming to a screeching halt now with Trump in the driver’s seat. End the abysmal Obama communist manifesto. Close the borders and save America. So far so good. Now watch the Big Liar lie and remember forever that this is how the Democrat Party functions. Never let them take control again.
Meanwhile Trump has mobilized thousands of troops to the Southern border to “stop the bleeding” the Democrats began and perpetuated for 16 long years. Tune your apocalypse dial to preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies, and propaganda that comes at us every day now.
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Tagged Under:
barack obama, big government, border security, cancel Democrats, conspiracy, deception, deep state, DNC, illegal immigration, immigration laws, invasion usa, lies, migrants, national security, Open Borders, traitors, treason, White House
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