03/20/2025 / By News Editors
It’s happening again. Europe is once again going totalitarian and this time there’s a decidedly familiar communist stench. The outcome was predictable for many of us in the alternative media and the situation is only going to get worse in the next few years, but what does this mean for the rest of the world? With the European elites casting off their humanist masks and going outright Orwellian, what kind of chaos can we expect to unfold?
(Article by Brandon Smith republished from Alt-Market.us)
First and foremost I want to point out a key piece of irony here – For decades in the US we heard the tiresome argument that our 2nd Amendment gun rights are meaningless because they are “unnecessary in maintaining our freedoms”. Anti-gun rights activists and politicians commonly used Europe as their sterling example:
“If gun rights are so important for freedom, then what about the Europeans? They have strict gun laws and they’re not losing their rights…”
As Americans who understand what it means to fight a rebellion against tyranny and win, our response to this claim has always been the same: “Just give it time…”
Of course, we were right and they were wrong. I’m sure a large number of people among the 95% of EU and UK citizens that are disarmed are probably wishing desperately for firearms right about now. The reasons why are numerous and horrifying.
The Downward Spiral Into 1984
In the EU and UK there has been a slow burn on censorship the past ten years which has recently exploded into a California Palisades level inferno of speech restrictions. Door to door enforcement has increased as the public speaks out against multicultural polities. The excuse is always the same – Native Europeans are not allowed to criticize third world integration because it “might hurt people’s feelings”. Any opposition to mass immigration is labeled “hate speech”.
Movements for national identity and border security are regularly attacked in the media. In France and Germany globalist officials are attempting to make it impossible for conservative leaning political parties to participate in elections.
In Romania they have succeeded in disrupting the normal voting process, arresting populist candidate Calin Georgescu after he won the first round of presidential elections. EU controlled authorities have ruled that he will not be allowed to run again. And for those that think he was blocked due to Russian interference, well, they just blocked the candidacy of another conservative candidate simply because she criticized the EU. Romania is also tightening rules for online speech in an effort to silence public dissent.
In true dystopian fashion, the powers-that-be call this “protecting democracy”.
An even more disturbing trend is Europe’s rising war rhetoric against Russia, with UK and French officials threatening the deployment of troops to Ukraine. Ukraine is losing the war badly and globalists are hellbent on cutting an artery and fomenting a world war. They insist that Ukraine must get back all captured territory and be allowed eventual NATO membership. In other words, a Russian victory cannot be allowed even if it means global conflagration.
As I predicted in April of last year in my article ‘World War III Is Now Inevitable – Here’s Why It Can’t Be Avoided’, the establishment is seeking to stage a domino effect in which greater Europe and the US are drawn into the Ukraine conflict. Even with a tentative peace deal being negotiated with the Russians right now, NATO members have promised to escalate tensions in Ukraine with boots on the ground and increase troop presence in Poland on the Russian border.
Because of this development European officials are actively and openly entertaining ideas of forced conscription and the propaganda is starting to spread. It’s important to note that the war rhetoric is gaining momentum in tandem with mass immigration programs and censorship enforcement. This is not a coincidence; this is a directed and coordinated conspiracy.
The establishment is going for broke in light of the growing public shift away from progressive (socialist) ideology. It’s clear that the elites are afraid of a large scale reformation: A return to nationalism, conservatism, meritocracy and moral fortitude. Western culture is valued again and people are acting to defend it. The movement will soon be impossible to stop and the time of the globalists is running out.
Because of online discourse and the alternative media, dominating the information space is no longer possible. So the elites are turning to physical force and imprisonment to silence their opponents.
For now Britain is the worst perpetrator with citizens receiving intimidation visits from police and suffering arrests for posting “offensive words” and memes. Some are even being arrested for flying their national flag in the sight of migrants. Movements in support of “populism” are demonized and painted as “racist” or “xenophobic”, but these accusations are meant to distract from the very real cultural replacement being perpetrated in greater Europe.
The Hidden Purpose Behind Cultural Replacement
Mass immigration and cultural replacement is a strategy the globalists have been trying in the US for decades and we’re very familiar with the process. That said, I would suggest that Europe’s invasion (which launched around 2014) is an even greater threat due to the religious zealotry of the migrants involved.
Armies of third world invaders, largely from Islamic nations, have flooded into the EU and UK and threaten to completely displace the native born population. Muslims view the west as a cultural and spiritual enemy that needs to be brought under their control. Fundamentalists (around 70% of Muslims globally) believe that the entire world must one day submit to Islam and Sharia Law. They revel in the invasion and see Europeans as cattle ripe for subjugation.
There’s no intent to assimilate, no hope for coexistence. That’s not the goal. The elites are well aware of this dynamic and they welcome it. But why?
Western civilization has been scheduled for demolition and the establishment is using elements of third-world alien cultures to do the grunt work of tearing that civilization down. I predicted the results of this program in my article ‘Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West’, published in August of 2024.
In that article I noted:
“If western populations are unified in opposing the globalist ideology then the task of deconstruction becomes impossible for them. So, they simply destroy the west from within by introducing millions of people that will NEVER assimilate or unify…”
“…In other words, my argument was that migrants from the third-world are not merely being used as unwitting tools for cultural saturation of the west. They’re not being shipped in by the millions to simply live off the fruits of our labor and our ancestors’ labors. I believe they are being brought into the US, the UK and Europe as enforcers for the establishment.”
I went on to explain the greater purpose of western government using third-world mercenaries:
“Keir Starmer and other government officials have been meeting with Muslim groups to reassure them that the government is on their side. The migrants are now emboldened to do as they please while the Brits face the reality that if they fight back, the government will put them in prison. The migrants are now, in the most basic sense, a mercenary wing of the UK government…”
I would go even further and say that in the event of war with Russia native born citizens will be rounded up for conscription while most migrants are left behind to run the streets of London, Paris and Berlin. I believe the migrants are enforcers to keep any potentially defiant Europeans in line. Many empires and monarchs throughout history have used foreign mercenaries as muscle to prevent local rebellion. The politicians in the EU and UK are following a similar strategy.
What Happens Next?
If we track these patterns to their natural conclusion I think it’s clear that Europe is about to become a nexus for global change. They will either destroy the west with instability and authoritarianism or their tyranny will inspire a modern day crusade to save free civilization. In either case, they’re about to create a mess.
First, I think there will definitely be forced conscription, but I suspect there will be a lot more opposition and protests against this policy than the elites understand. No one in the west wants to die for Ukraine. There is no unifying moral imperative to enter into a war with Russia. People will resist.
Second, there’s going to be a heightened focus on speech controls and arrests unless the populace presents a unified response. This counter-movement will have to be prepared for violence because there’s a good chance they will need to defend themselves.
Third, governments will try to use economic leverage to silence dissent and punish people who refuse to comply. It’s not a coincidence that the EU just announced that they will be introducing CBDC programs at the retail level by the end of 2025. They’re going to push for a cashless system because this will give them total control over people’s economic access.
Unless Trump pulls off some kind of diplomatic miracle the deployment of EU and UK troops to Ukraine is predetermined. Anything to spark a volatile escalation, possibly to lure the US back into the fray under security obligations. Again, the globalists want WWIII as a catalyst for a new world order.
Fifth, Ukraine will fall to Russia regardless. This is already happening but the media is trying to gloss over troop movements and geo-location data showing increasing territorial gains for Russia. They’re also refusing to acknowledge the steep decline in Ukrainian conscripts under the age of 40. Without a Trump deal, Ukraine will implode. Europe does not have the troops or the training to fight Russia in a near-peer attrition-based conflict. Their involvement would only prolong the inevitable or trigger a nuclear exchange.
Sixth, there’s going to be severe diplomatic isolation between the US and Europe. It has already started with NATO potentially breaking apart and the response from our “allies” has been nothing but hostile. EU officials act as if they’re entitled to American money and protection, but the question they need to address is WHY?
The leadership of Europe is deeply socialist and they are utterly opposed to any conservative appeal to national and cultural identity. They hate borders, they hate western culture, they hate meritocracy, they hate individual liberty, they hate Christianity and they hate Americans in general. I don’t think we have much in common with them anymore and it doesn’t make sense to be allies with people who would happily tear down everything we believe in.
The US and EU alliance is dead. After their latest authoritarian actions it’s time to cut ties, or, remove the globalists in power and change the dynamic. From my observations there are millions of Europeans across the Atlantic hoping and praying right now that Americans intervene and remove these tyrants from their bureaucratic throne. While a breaking of ties is almost guaranteed, there is also a chance that a war between the US and the European oligarchy is brewing.
Read more at: Alt-Market.us
Tagged Under:
big government, Censorship, chaos, Collapse, communism, conspiracy, culture wars, Dangerous, dystopian, enslaved, EU, Europe, fascism, freedom, globalists, insanity, left cult, Liberty, national security, obey, Orwellian, police state, speech police, suppressed, thought police, totalitarian, Twisted, Tyranny
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