News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Forensic audit finds that security log files were deleted from voting machines to hide vote switching
After election officials identified “glitches” that switched 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, the courts in Antrim County Michigan ordered an audit of the voting machines. The forensic audit was carried out by the Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG). This group conducted a forensic duplication on the county’s election management server. They investigated compact flash cards […]
By Lance D Johnson
Sidney Powell: American elections have been rigged for years, like in third world countries
How did the United States of America get to such a precarious moment in history, where the dastardly forces of socialism and communism would break through the gate and hold our politicians, institutions, election officials and courts hostage? How could a Nation, that once fought to end slavery, just roll over and accept a life […]
By Lance D Johnson
Georgia officials approve extended mail-in ballots, paving the way to STEAL run-off senate races like they stole the 2020 Presidential election
Even though David Perdue, Republican candidate for US Senate, won re-election in Georgia by a margin of 88,098 votes, he did not receive the 50 percent majority to officially declare him the winner over Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. The Senate race in Georgia is now a runoff election that will continue to accept votes between […]
By Lance D Johnson
Statisticians concur: Tabulating equipment was programmed to shift a percentage of absentee votes from Trump to Biden in every Michigan precinct
A non-partisan group of citizens and statisticians are challenging the credibility of Michigan’s election results. After conducting an audit of the official data, statistical experts found troubling signs that the election was subject to interference by mail-in ballot fraud and algorithms. These nationally recognized statistical experts examined the records to look for statistical anomalies. They […]
By Lance D Johnson
Antifa threatening the President, his supporters and the legal system as courts review widespread election fraud
The electoral college, the state legislatures and the Supreme Court are heading into uncharted territory as the 2020 Presidential election turns up more voter fraud by the day, which includes remote election software interference, cyber warfare, restricted transparency, election official coercion, ballot harvesting, ID fraud and mail-in ballot fraud, all evidenced by statistical anomalies, data […]
By Lance D Johnson
An executive from Dominion Voting Systems admitted that votes can be switched to steal elections
The Vice President of customer relations for Dominion Voting Systems admitted in 2012 that the company’s software is susceptible to “incorrect reporting of vote totals.” Waldeep Singh made the confession after a persistent audit uncovered systemic shortcomings in the software that allowed large swaths of votes to be assigned to the wrong candidate in two […]
By Lance D Johnson
Here is the evidence of election fraud and it currently includes hundreds of cases, encompassing millions of stolen or fraudulent votes
The current 2020 Presidential Election is in a state of crisis. Not only have Big Tech and Big Media ignored vast evidence of election fraud, but these institutions have conspired to promote one candidate as the winner, long before the conclusion of all election software audits, statistical analysis, recounts and court proceedings (which will include […]
By Lance D Johnson
It’s time for Trump to declassify EVERYTHING
Ex-CIA Director John Brennan wants Donald Trump out of office before his term is up. Brennan is worried that Trump might declassify everything he has on their illegal spying operations, unloading all damning Intel about the corruption within Washington, the CIA, the FBI and the other alphabet agencies. Trump could demand that his executive cabinet […]
By Lance D Johnson
Joe Biden is the beneficiary of statistical anomalies that “magically” impacted Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin vote counts on November 4th
In the late hours of the November 3rd Presidential election, Donald Trump enjoyed large percentage leads in democrat-controlled states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin. If the voting trend were to continue as projected, Donald Trump would have won the states handily; however, on the early morning of November 4th, the percentage of votes coming […]
By Lance D Johnson
The “neutral arbiter” over Pennsylvania’s election process is a politically-motivated hack, deadset on removing Trump from office
The “neutral arbiter” who is overseeing the election process in Pennsylvania, it turns out, is a politically-motivated hack, dead-set on removing Trump from office. Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, is tasked with overseeing conduct throughout Pennsylvania’s entire election process. She is also a die-hard democrat who believes Trump is “unfit to be President.” Pennsylvania […]
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