News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 most LIKELY EVENTS the Democrats will stage or invoke to cheat for another 4 years while running the “show” from Washington D.C.
As Resident Biden’s mental and physical health declines rapidly, the Democrats are using the mass media complex to hide it the best they can, but their time is running out quickly. In fact, Resident Biden may not even be a viable candidate for POTUS in the next few months, as he so often forgets where […]
By S.D. Wells
Biden suffering CLENCHED FIST SYNDROME, a tell-tale symptom of psychosis and dementia
Yes, clenched fists are a symptom of dementia. Many victims of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease clench their fists because it helps the brain focus, and everyone has seen demented Joe clench his fists as he wonders where he is and where to go the second he finishes reading his Obama-scripted teleprompter speeches at a podium. […]
By S.D. Wells
NEW DOMESTIC TERRORISTS: Chinese shock troops posing as tourists entering U.S. through Mexican border could ignite WWIII from within our homeland
It’s quite ironic that the horror story of 9/11/2001 happened because some illegal aliens from Asia snuck into America, learned how to fly planes, and brought down three skyscraper buildings in New York City, killing over 3,000 Americans in the process. Yet, today, the Biden Regime welcomes as many illegal aliens from Asia as can […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 ways Americans are forced to subsidize their own demise
Americans expect their taxes to pay for things that improve their living conditions, not destroy them. Why would anyone forfeit a fourth (or more) of their paycheck to subsidize their own early death? Why would anyone pay money from their paycheck to help other people steal their job? What most Americans fail to realize is […]
By S.D. Wells
The IMPORTATION and EXPORTATION practices that are crippling America
It is more than obvious that the Biden administration’s main goal is to systematically turn America into a communist country by dismantling the constitution, destroying the middle class, and fixing the elections so the Democrats remain in power for good. As the supply chain crumbles more and more each day, the cost of goods is […]
By S.D. Wells
“Digi-Dog” Police ROBOTS set to take over New York City and “POLICE” any protests about Big Government tyranny or the next plandemic
Get ready for fully-armed robotic dogs to “arrest” people on the streets of New York City should they choose to disobey the new communist tyranny in the CCP-Democrat run city. Mainstream media is trying to portray the new NYC cop-bots as a good idea, totally cute and peaceful and helpful for the inhabitants of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 MOST DANGEROUS laws and mandates that strip Americans of their rights and endanger their lives
Americans tend to get emotional about national “events” and lose focus of what matters most in their lives, including their health and safety. Fake news is seasoned at introducing real or staged events that conjure up emotions of the populace that end up brainwashing them into accepting and complying with laws and mandates that strip […]
By S.D. Wells
ZOMBIE DRUG “Tranq” secretly mixed with fentanyl ROTS human tissue, leading to amputation and more overdose deaths in 48 US states
As if the fentanyl crisis could not get any worse, it just did. The DEA is finding a popular veterinary tranquilizer drug called xylazine, which is supposed to only be used to put animals to sleep for surgery, being used by drug dealers as a cutting agent for fentanyl. “Cutting” is when a drug dealer […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 health and safety problems people will have to deal with AFTER the banking collapse
The dominoes will fall. Have no doubt whatsoever, Silicon Valley, Signature, and Silvergate banks are just the first three banks in a long, long line of banks that will not just need bailing out, but will completely collapse in the coming days, weeks, and months of 2023 and on into 2024. This is a mass […]
By S.D. Wells
Reviewing the WORST CHEMICAL DISASTERS on the planet … and most of them could have been easily prevented
Certain chemicals pose serious risks to humans, wildlife, agriculture, and the environment, many of which are carcinogens and neurotoxins. Many people are familiar with dangerous household chemicals, like ammonia, bleach, drain cleaners, antifreeze, and even air fresheners. Industries often use or even create other volatile chemicals that are quite dangerous, including chlorine, arsenic trioxide, hydrogen […]
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