President Donald J. Trump trolled Democrats again on the day the House Intelligence Committee heard testimony from FBI Director James …
To say that official Washington – that includes the establishment media, elected leaders, pundits, talking heads and think tanks – …
If it hasn’t become crystal clear to you that the Deep State and Washington’s political and media establishments are working …
After getting President Donald J. Trump to fire then-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn following allegations – allegations only, mind you …
While we’ve not been able to confirm this one way or another, lawyer, author and blogger Mike Cernovich at Danger …
Donald Trump descended the staircase at his Trump Towers in New York City in July 2015 to declare his candidacy …
Mel Gibson’s 1996 blockbuster film “Braveheart,” based on the true story of Sir William Wallace, who led a 13th-century war …
During the campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump said the U.S. military was in a state if exhaustion and in major need …
As he said he would during his campaign, President Donald J. Trump and his new administration wasted no time getting …