Sunday, March 05, 2017 by JD Heyes
If it hasn’t become crystal clear to you that the Deep State and Washington’s political and media establishments are working together in an effort to thwart the presidency of Donald J. Trump, then you haven’t been paying attention.
Already having claimed the scalp of former National Security Advisor and retired Gen. Michael Flynn, the next target is Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the most conservative AG in decades.
As part of the Deep State’s ongoing false narrative that ‘Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton,’ Sessions is now being accused of:
— Having improper contact with Russia’s top diplomat in the U.S. as a “surrogate” for Trump in the months leading up to the November election, and then
— Lying to the Senate about said contact during his AG confirmation hearing (he’s actually being accused of committing perjury, which is preposterous).
Neither of these accusations is true, and what’s more, everyone who is leveling these unsubstantiated allegations knows they aren’t true. But that’s not the point.
The goal is another Team Trump scalp as part of an ongoing effort to target those closest to the president – those he trusts most, as evidenced by the fact that they were his first choices to round out his Cabinet. (RELATED: Sessions ‘Russia controversy’ is completely contrived by the Deep State as latest attempt to delegitimize Trump)
Unable to push the corrupt Clinton into the Oval Office, where she would have dutifully carried on the Deep State’s “business as usual” agenda of globalist trade deals, perpetual war and continued animosity with Russia and China, faceless careerists and #NeverTrump allies on Capitol Hill and in the media have invented a “reason” for her loss: Team Trump colluded with the Russians to “steal” the election. Otherwise, she would have won handily, like everyone was predicting.
But again, as before, there is no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion or cooperation. None. Nada. Nothing. Because if there actually had been any real evidence the Obama administration would have leaked it long before the November 8 balloting took place. Charges would have been filed against Trump people. Arrests would have been made. Trials would have been scheduled.
None of that happened.
Just to show you what a scam this is, if Obama, Democrats and their allies in the globalist Deep State really thought Trump had a chance to beat Clinton, this false narrative of Team Trump-Russia collusion would have been released before the election, if nothing else as a counterbalance to, and distraction from, the ongoing FBI investigation of a real crime — Clinton’s gross mishandling of highly classified information, thanks to her use of an unauthorized, unsecured private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
Rather, after Trump won the Obama administration, led by the president, concocted the false Russian narrative and then began spreading it around to various compliant media, which has a well-established history now of publishing fake news. The New York Times admitted as much Thursday in published stories. The Times noted:
In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.
Only the most partisan Democrat would believe this. Moreover, only a #NeverTrump-er would believe the reasoning behind the so-called ‘preservation of evidence.’ This was the Obama administration planting the Russia story to a compliant Washington establishment media, which has run with it ever since. The phrase “possible contacts” is important to note because – for the umpteenth time – there is no real evidence that the allegation is true. There are only charges, suggestions, innuendo, supposition – nothing substantive. (RELATED: Russian Hack Narrative Revealed To Be Elaborate Media Hoax… Email Leaks Actually Came From Bernie Sanders Insider)
The only reason to continually make accusations without offering any proof is to keep the pressure on and to keep a segment of the population ‘convinced’ that where there’s smoke, there must be fire…somewhere…and at some point someone is going to find it. That’s just like the global warming hoax; someday the world will simply burn up and we’ll all die. Someday.
Reading through the comment section of the major dailies covering this “scandal” is disappointing because so many Americans have been duped – again – into believing something that isn’t true because they want it to be true. That’s the goal of this Deep State psychological operation (PSYOP) – to convince enough people that something is going on and that suspicions alone should drive action, which in this case is the removal of Trump’s inner circle.
Don’t be duped by the BS. Demand more. Demand to see the proof. Demand to see the evidence. Because the discredited press has not shown it to you yet.
But that’s because there isn’t any evidence or proof.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: deep state, fake news, Jeff Sessions, Obama Administration, Russia, Trump.news